Holiday Strength & Conditioning

I get a lot of questions about what to do during the off season. So I thought I would post the sessions I am doing right now. We have had a break but are now in a strength and conditioning phase for a few weeks.

DAY 1: Weights
DAY 2: Running session 1
DAY 3: Weights
DAY 4: Running session 2
DAY 5: Weights
DAY 6: Running session 3
DAY 7: Rest day
EACH DAY: core exercises

Session 1
Active warm up
2 x 5 EL Lateral lunge
2x15m EW Lateral skipping, walk back
3×3 Double leg jump – stick each landing; walk back
2x10m EL 90degree hopping
1×5 30m rolling start acceleration; walk back
1×5 20m side-step rolling start acceleration; walk back
1×5 10m acceleration; walk back
1×6 5m Box drill (Slide-Fwd-slide-Bwd); start 3 to R, 3 to L; 5sec recovery btw reps

Cool down

Session 2
Session is to be done on bike, rower, or treadmill. Each set is a 4min block
3min warm-up
1. 30sec sold-30sec easy
2. 20sec sold-20sec easy
3. 10sec solid-10sec easy
Repeat twice = 1 set
Complete 3 sets
3min easy cool down & Stretch

My current training location. Running on the beautiful grounds of Sleep Haven Boarding Cattery

Session 3
Active warm up
2 x 5 EL Lateral lunge
2x10m Fast skipping; walk back
2×5 EL Diagonal Bounding; walk back
2×5 Jump squats; 30sec rest btw sets
1×5 30m rolling start acceleration; walk back
1×5 20m side-step rolling start acceleration; walk back
1×5 10m acceleration; walk back
2×3 5m Shuttle Fwd-Bwd; 1rep=out & back; 15sec rest btw sets
2×3 5m Shuttle Sideways; 1rep=out & back; 15sec rest btw sets

Cool down

These are gk specific exercises. Please speak to a professional before undertaking these exercises.


  1. Tinara says:

    Have you got a video demonstration on how to do these strength and conditioning excersises?
    I admire your work. I am too a hockey gk, but I play for a team in the wheatbelt region of WA.
    Anyway, thanks for the tips and for making the site for other goal keepers 🙂

  2. Mafs says:

    HI Rachael, very useful stuff, thank you for posting. could you elaborate on how to do the below exercises whose terms im not familiar with in english? maybe if you already did this on youtube videos, i can take a look…thank you!


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